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On December 18, 2008
Samara, Russia / International Dog Show
judge: Nemanja Jovanovic (Serbia)

Puppy class - DRIADA VICTORIA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!

On December 12, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / International Dog Show

judge: Nemanja Jovanovic (Serbia)

Intermediate class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!

On December 6, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: A. Muzgaev (Kazakhstan) 

Baby class - GLAMUR IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-2!
Puppy class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed, BIS Puppy-3!
The class of young - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent

On December 6, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show

Baby class - GLAMUR IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!
Puppy class - EVEREST SIR EDMUND HILARY IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!
The class of young - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent


On November 23, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show

Puppy class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!
Puppy class - DO-MI-SOLKA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising!
The class of young - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!
Open class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ, Best Male Of Breed, Best Of Breed, BIG-1!

On November 22, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show

Puppy class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!
Puppy class - DO-MI-SOLKA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising!
The class of young - BLESS ENOR BENU - 2nd place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!
Open class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 2nd place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!

On November 16, 2008
National Dog Show
judge: Vitaly Khizhnyak (Ukraine)

Intermediate class - VELIANT STAFF WEIGHT NOSE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!

On November 15, 2008
Kiev, Ukraine / National Dog Show

Puppy class - DARIMAYA SUDBOJ IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed, BIS Puppy-1!

On November 9, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show

Intermediate class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ, Best Male Of Breed, NEW CHAMPION FEDERATION!

On November 2, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show

Intermediate class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!


On October 26, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Nataliya Oganova (Russia)

Baby class - EVELINKA MON AMUR IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!
Puppy class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed, BIS Puppy-1!

On October 25, 2008
Odessa, Ukraine / National Dog Show

Intermediate class - CENTURION SILVER S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA  - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed, Best Of Breed!

On October 19, 2008
Tula, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Nataliya Oganova (Russia)

Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed!
Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed! NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA!

On October 12, 2008
Cyprus / International Dog Show

Baby class - ESPRIT MISS ROSSIA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-2!

On October 11, 2008
Cyprus / International Dog Show

Baby class - ESPRIT MISS ROSSIA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-4!

On October 11, 2008
National Dog Show 
judge: Lyubov Zhitkova (Russia)

Baby class - EMINEM REP DOG IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising

On October 5, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Valentina Ivanishcheva (Russia)

Junior class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed! 

On October 5, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show  
judge: Eugeny Kuplyauskas (Russia)

Baby class - DO-MI-SOLKA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!
Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed!
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed, Best Of Breed! NEW CHAMPION OF RUSSIA!

On October 4, 2008
Blagoveshchensk, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Galina Kochetyrjova (Russia)

Baby class - DIVINE DARUMA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed! 

On October 3, 2008
Budapest, Hungary / European Dog Show 2008

Baby class - DARIMAYA SUDBOJ IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Female!


On September 20, 2008
Moscow, Russia / International Dog Show "RUSSIA 2008"

judge: Boris Chapiro (France)

Baby class - DACHES DAMERARA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising
Baby class - EVELINKA MON AMUR IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising!
Baby class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising 
Baby class - EXELANSY MISTER SAXES IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising
Intermediate class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 3rd place, excellent 
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - excellent

On September 20, 2008
Blagoveshchensk, Russia / National Dog Show

Baby class - DIVINE DARUMA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-3!

On September 20, 2008
Moscow, Russia / Amstaffs Specialty Dog Show

Baby class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!
Baby class - DO-MI-SOLKA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising!
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC!
Champion class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC!
Champion class - HILARY DAVIL - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Female Of Breed, Best Of Breed!

On September 20, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show

Baby class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-1!
Baby class - DO-MI-SOLKA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising! 
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC! 
Champion class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC! 
Champion class - HILARY DAVIL - 1st place, excellent, CAC! 

On September 14, 2008
Zhitomir, Ukraine / International Dog Show 

Baby class - DARIMAYA SUDBOJ IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-1

On September 14, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Roman Rafailov (Russia)

Baby class - DACHES DAMERARA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed, Best Of Breed!

On September 14, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show  
judge: Elena Kholevina (Russia)

Baby class - DACHES DAMERARA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-2!
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 2nd place, excellent
Champion class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 3rd place, excellent

On September 6, 2008
Moscow, Russia / "Day Amstaff 2008"
judge: Victoria Popova, owner of kennel "Fire in the Kremlin"

Baby class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising
Baby class - EVELINKA MON AMUR IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!
Veteran class - HILARY DAVIL - 1st place, excellent

Competition "Best Motion" - HILARY DAVIL - 1st place
Competition "Best Female" - HILARY DAVIL - 1st place
Competition "Best AmStaff 2008" - HILARY DAVIL - 1st place
Competition kennels "IZ DOMA ALVIK" - 1st place
Competition "photos" - Martynova Elena and Ekaterina - 1st place
Competition costume - HILARY DAVIL - 2nd place
Competition "We are the owner of a similar" - HILARY DAVIL - 2nd place
Competition "the Grandmother and grandchildren" - HILARY DAVIL - 3rd place


On August 31, 2008
Orenburg, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Irina Shvets (Russia)

Baby class - DRIADA VICTORIA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!

On August 31, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Marina Gerasimova (Russia)

Baby class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 2nd place, excellent
Champion class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, CAC!

On August 17, 2008
Kharkov, Ukraine / National Dog Show

judge: Vitaly Khizhnyak (Ukraine)

Intermediate class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC! NEW CHAMPION OF UKRAINE!
Open class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC! NEW CHAMPION OF UKRAINE

On August 10, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show  
judge: Marina Gerasimova (Russia)

Baby class - DACHES DAMERARA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-3!
Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC! 
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - excellent 

On August 10, 2008
Lviv, Ukraine / National Dog Show 

Baby class - DARIMAYA SUDBOJ IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!

On August 9, 2008
Lviv, Ukraine / International Dog Show 

Baby class - DARIMAYA SUDBOJ IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-1!

On August 2, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: Aleksandr Ivanov (Russia)

Baby class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed, BIS Baby-2!
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 2nd place, excellent 

On August 2, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show

judge: Ludmila Krakovskaya (Russia)

Baby class - DESIGN FASHION IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 3rd place, excellent 


On July 20, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Nikolay Kashirin (Russia)

Intermediate class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC! NEW CHAMPION OF RUSSIA!
Open class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed, Best Of Breed!

On July 13, 2008
Minsk, Belarus / Amstaffs Specialty Dog Show 

judge: Elena Kholevina (Russia)

Intermediate class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC!
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed! NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION OF BELARUS!

On July 13, 2008
Minsk, Belarus / National Dog Show
judge: Lidia Sokolova (Russia)

Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC!
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed, BIS Juniors-3! NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION OF BELARUS!
Intermediate class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed!


On June 29, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Elena Mychko (Russia)

Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC! 
Junior class - VELIANT STAFF WEIGHT NOSE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed ! NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA!
Intermediate class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC!
Intermediate class - VARVARA KRASA IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Female Of Breed!
Open class - RICARDO IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent

On June 22, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show


On June 8, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: Alla Filatova (Russia) 

Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - excellent
Intermediate class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed!

On June 8, 2008
Moscow, Russia / Amstaffs Specialty Dog Show 
judge: Larisa Ivanova (Russia)

Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 3rd place, excellent, Junior Certificate Club
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 4th place, excellent, Junior Certificate Club
Intermediate class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 2nd place, excellent

On June 1, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show 

Junior class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed! 


On May 25, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 

Class pedigree - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Male Of Breed!
Class seniors HILARY DAVIL - 1st place, excellent, CAC, Best Female Of Breed, Best Of Breed, BIS-3!

*** Best Pair ***

*** Best kennel ***
"IZ DOMA ALVIK" - 1st place

On May 25, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 

Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC
Class pedigree - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ, Best Male Of Breed, Best Of Breed, BIS-4!
Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent
Veteran class HILARY DAVIL - 1st place, excellent, Best Veteran Of Breed, BIS Veterans-1!

On May 24, 2008
Moscow, Russia / Amstaffs Specialty Dog Show "Champion National Club of Russia"

judge: J.Bode v.d.Meerberg (Holland)

Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION CLUB OF RUSSIA!
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 3rd place, excellent, Certificate Club!
Junior class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - excellent

On May 10, 2008
Leninsk-Kuznetsk, Russia / National Dog Show

Junior class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent

On May 10, 2008
Leninsk-Kuznetsk, Russia / Amstaffs Specialty Dog Show 
judge: Oleg Gorbachevsky (Russia)

Junior class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent

On May 1, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Pavel Zhigalin (Russia)
Junior class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC!


On April 26, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Alexey Belkin (Russia) 
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC! NEW JUNIOR CHAMPION OF RUSSIA!

On April 26, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Ekaterina Senashenko (Russia) 

Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed!

On April 26, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Flera Chaykovskaya (Russia)

Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed! 

On April 20, 2008
Barnaul, Russia / National Dog Show   
judge: Alexey Belkin (Russia)

Puppy class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!

On April 20, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show  
judge: Ludmila Krakovskaya (Russia)

Junior class - VELIANT STAFF WEIGHT NOSE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC!

On April 20, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: Alla Scherbakova (Russia)

Junior class - VELIANT STAFF WEIGHT NOSE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed!


On March 30, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Joanna Szczepanska-Korpetta (Poland) 

Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed! 
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed!
Champion class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent!

On March 30, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Larisa Galiaskarova (Russia)
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC!

On March 23, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show  
judge: Brigita Vitalina (Latvia)

Junior class - VELIANT STAFF WEIGHT NOSE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed, Best Of Breed!

On March 22, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Ekaterina Senashenko (Russia)

Puppy class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!

On March 22, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show  
judge: Lyudmila Mazina (Russia)

Puppy class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!

On March 22, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: Shamil Abrakimov (Russia) 
Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 3rd place, very promising
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - excellent
Junior class - BLESS EZHEVIKA MIN ALVIK - excellent
Open class - RASTISHKA IZ DOMA ALVIK - very good
Champion class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!

On March 22, 2008
Moscow, Russia / Amstaffs Specialty Dog Show
judge: Ludmila Krakovskaya (Russia)

Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 3rd place, very promising
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 2nd place, excellent, Certificate Club
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 3rd place, excellent, Certificate Club
Junior class - BLESS EZHEVIKA MIN ALVIK - 3rd place, excellent, Certificate Club
Open class - RASTISHKA IZ DOMA ALVIK - excellent
Winners class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 4th place, excellent
Champion class - HILARY DAVIL - 4th place, excellent, Certificate Club


On February 24, 2008
Moscow, Russia / International Dog Show "EURASIA 2, 2008"

judge: Andras Korozs (Hungary)

Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 3rd place, very promising
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - excellent

On February 23, 2008
Moscow, Russia / International Dog Show "EURASIA 1, 2008"

judge: Kornelija Butrimova (Lithuania)

Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 3rd place, very promising
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - excellent

On February 16, 2008
Novosibirsk, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: Inessa Rodina (Russia)

Puppy class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed! 

On February 16, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Lyubimova, Krylov 

Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed, BIS Puppy-2!
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed, BIS Juniors-2!
Junior class - BLESS EZHEVIKA MIN ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC!
The class of young - BEST OF BREED IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!
Class pedigree - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ, Best Male Of Breed, Best Of Breed, NEW CHAMPION MOSCOW, BIS-3!
Working class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent
Champion class - HILARY DAVIL - 2nd place, excellent

On February 16, 2008
Moscow, Russia / Amstaffs Specialty Dog Show
judge: A. Muzgaev (Kazakhstan)
Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising
Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC, Best Junior Of Breed Ïîðîäû!
Junior class - BLESS EZHEVIKA MIN ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, J.CAC!
The class of young - BEST OF BREED IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!
Class pedigree - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ!
Working class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ! 
Champion class - HILARY DAVIL - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ, Best Female Of Breed!

On February 10, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: Miklosch Levente (Hungary)

Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Puppy Of Breed!
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 2nd place, excellent

On February 10, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Specialty Terriers III group FCI
judge: Benght Erik Nilssen (Sweden)

Puppy class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising 
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 2nd place, excellent, J.ÑÑ

On February 9, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show

Junior class - BLESS ENOR BENU - very good, 2 õ BJ, 2 õ Best Junior Of Breed, BIS Juniors-4!


On January 27, 2008
Moscow, Russia / National Dog Show
judge: Viktor Shiyan (Ukraine)
Baby class - GABRIEL BLACK FACE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, very promising
Junior class - TSEFEY ALVIK S ALMAZNOGO OSTROVA - 2nd place, excellent
Open class - RICARDO IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ
Open class - ANNI LITTLE NEWS IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent
Champion class - ANZHELIKA MARKIZA ANGELOV IZ DOMA ALVIK - 2nd place, excellent
Champion class - ARAMIS MISTERY MANE IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, excellent, ÑÀÑ, Best Male Of Breed! 

On January 13, 2008
Barnaul, Russia / National Dog Show 
judge: Gennady Sipyagin (Russia)

Baby class - GORDON KLAID IZ DOMA ALVIK - 1st place, very promising, Best Baby Of Breed!

On January 6, 2008
National competition "Junior handler"

class: Senor Handler
Evgeniya Alekseeva and Rus Neva-da Troya - 1 place